SwipeSense Nursing Insights

Adverse events like patient falls, pressure injuries, and medical errors cause unnecessary harm to patients and heavy costs to hospitals. Hourly nurse rounding and bedside shift reporting are proven to reduce these never events — but hospitals have little visibility into how effectively these preventive measures are being practiced in their facility.

SwipeSense Nursing Insights gathers hourly rounding and bedside shift reporting compliance data automatically to improve patient care and reduce hospital costs. The solution provides actionable insights on a simple dashboard in a timely manner, enabling leadership to pinpoint where specific improvements can be made.

Preventable Harm
The Solution: Hourly Nurse Rounding
  • 57%

    Median reduction in patient falls with hourly nurse rounding.3

  • 54%

    Reduction in call light usage with hourly nurse rounding.3

  • 14%

    Decrease in skin breakdown and pressure injuries with hourly or bihourly rounding.4

Key Benefits


Prevent harm, improve pain management, and increase patient satisfaction by eliminating long nurse absences and ensuring that patients’ needs are met consistently.


Boost HCAHPS scores that are tied to reimbursement through organizations such as CMS by improving patient satisfaction and reducing adverse events like errors and injuries.


Strengthen nurse communication and staff responsiveness to improve your hospital’s reputation with a high Leapfrog Safety Grade.


Decrease patients’ length of stay and minimize the occurrence of harm, which reduces expenses and allows nursing teams to efficiently allocate resources where needed.

SwipeSense Rounding Monitor

SwipeSense Rounding Monitor helps front-line hospital staff prevent adverse events and improve patient satisfaction in real-time. With Rounding Monitor, staff can immediately identify which patients have had the longest gap in care while on the unit and prioritize addressing their needs. The color-coded monitor shows each patient room, a timestamp indicating the last staff visit, and the amount of time that has elapsed since the room was rounded. This at-a-glance data can help nurses support each other, allowing them to check in on a colleague’s patients when they’re with someone that requires extended care.

How It Works


Clinical staff receive personal badge reels, enabling nursing managers to identify opportunities for operational improvement. Badge reels are unobtrusive and long lasting. Nursing visits are captured seamlessly without impact to clinical workflow.


Location Hubs are located in each patient room or care area to continuously capture caregiver visits. This ensures that nursing time at the bedside is measured without adding additional screening. The Hubs use a single wall socket, making installation simple and inconspicuous.


Bedside shift and rounding data is relayed from all devices to Communication Hubs located in centralized work areas such as nursing stations. Data is then delivered over existing hospital WiFi or Ethernet to secure servers for analysis. Communication Hubs require one wall socket for installation.

See SwipeSense Nursing Insights in Action