The work of Infection Preventionists (IPs) in healthcare, which largely occurs behind
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4 Ways Infection Preventionists Play a Critical Role in Hospitals
4 Ways Technology Supports Infection Prevention Activities
From the earliest point in the pandemic, mass amounts of misinformation caused
The Power of Voice: Why Verbal Reminders So Effectively Improve Hand Hygiene
Most healthcare technologies use alarms to signal a need to take action.
How Gamification Increases Hand Hygiene Performance
Gamification – the process of adding games to a task to encourage
It’s Time to Tackle 3 Persistent Hand Hygiene Myths
You know that hand hygiene decreases the risk of infection. Your staff
3 Learnings From APIC 2021 that Every Healthcare Leader Needs to Know
This year’s virtual APIC 2021 discussion unanimously placed a well-deserved spotlight on
Want to Increase Your Patient Satisfaction? Optimize Workflow
Satisfied customers return to the same business again and again. Dissatisfied customers
Correct Workflow Inefficiencies to Improve Clinical Outcomes
To achieve the best possible clinical outcomes, you need the right staff
3 Surprising Stats According to a Patient Safety Expert
COVID-19 made it clear that it is mission-critical to prioritize preventing the