Electronic Hand Hygiene Monitoring

Watch this video of our dashboard to see how it works!

Culture change powered by technology is the key to delivering safe, high-quality health care. SwipeSense is a cloud-based sensor network that aids caregivers in the battle against hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) by providing complete transparency into hand hygiene data for each department, unit and individual. Our customer success team partners with hospitals to drive lasting behavior change by implementing positive reinforcement programs that increase individual accountability and improve staff habits.

Industry challenge

  • 1.7M

    Number of hospital acquired infections per year

  • 100K

    Number of infection related deaths per year

Our Impact

  • 192%

    Increase in facility-wide hand hygiene compliance achieved by a teaching community hospital over 12 months using SwipeSense

  • 49%

    Reduction in infections (MRSA, CLBSI, CAUTI, CDIFF) experienced by a community hospital after 1 year using SwipeSense

Key Benefits


Our intuitively-designed software provides reliable data and surfaces actionable insights so hospital staff can quickly address issues and make informed decisions to improve compliance. At-a-glance insights include:

  • facility and multi-facility compliance
  • top and bottom performers
  • time series comparisons
  • day vs night shifts
  • soap vs sanitizer usage
  • open bay reporting


SwipeSense is easy and fast to implement. It requires little involvement from IT teams and is compatible with any existing or new wall dispensers. SwipeSense does not disrupt clinician workflow and relies on proven behavior change methodologies rather than short-term gimmicks like alerts or reminders, resulting in hospital-wide adoption.


Accuracy leads to accountability, accountability leads to change. With this in mind, SwipeSense has gone beyond basic testing in ideal laboratory settings. Our system has been clinically validated across dozens of facilities to capture an accurate representation of overall staff hand hygiene compliance.

How It Works


Clinical staff receive personal badge reels, enabling facility-wide participation to improve hand hygiene performance. Badge reels are unobtrusive and long lasting. Hand hygiene opportunities and visits are captured seamlessly without impact to clinical workflow.


Entry Sensors are installed in the doorway of the patient room. These sensors capture motion as staff enter and exit the room and have the capability to verbally remind clinicians if they forget to perform hand hygiene.


Existing hygiene dispensers are fitted with a sensor that captures personal usage data. The sensor is vendor agnostic and works with existing wall dispensers including soap, gel, foam, and motion activated models.


Location Hubs are located in each patient room or care area to continuously capture caregiver visits. This ensures that each recorded hand hygiene event and patient visit are linked to the room where they took place. The Hubs use a single wall socket, making installation simple and inconspicuous.


Hand hygiene data is relayed from all devices to Communication Hubs located in centralized work areas such as nursing stations. Data is then delivered over existing hospital WiFi or Ethernet to secure servers for analysis. Communication Hubs require one wall socket for installation.

“SwipeSense gave us the data we needed to encourage more diligent behavior.”

Dr. Charles Bareis
CMO, Tenet Chicago Market

See SwipeSense Hand Hygiene in Action